

In C++, a structure is a collection of variables that are referenced under one name. This provides a convenient means of keeping related information together. Structures are referred to as compound data types; they consist of several different variables, which are yet logically connected.

The general form of a structure declaration is: struct struct_type_name { type member_name_1; type member_name_2; ... type member_name_N; } structure_variables; The variables that comprise the structure are called members, elements, or fields.

Examples of Structures 

• Address: 

struct Address { char firstName[80]; // first name char lastName[80]; // last name char street[40]; // street name int houseNumber; // house number char city[40]; // city char district[3]; // districtcode char pinCode[7]; // postal code } addressEntry;


struct employee {

char name[80];

char phone[20];

float hours;

float wage;


employee databaseEntry;

Accessing Structure Members

Elements of a structure are accessed through the use of the dot

operator, the general form of which is:

structure_variable . element_name


struct vector {

float x; // x coordinate

float y; // y coordinate

float z; // z coordinate

} referencePoint, leftUpper, lowerRight;

leftUpper.x = 0.5;

leftUpper.y = 1.3;

leftUpper.z = 7.9;

Arrays of Structures

It is common to use arrays of structures. However, the structure has

to be defined first, before any array declarations that refer to this

particular structure.


struct employee {

char name[80];

float hours;

float wage;


employee staff[100];

Any entry in the database can be referred to by using the dot


cout << staff[81].name;

staff[3].hours = 38.5;

Structures and Pointers

Assigning Structures

The contents of one structure can be assigned to another as long as

both structures are of the same type.

struct mystruct { int a, b; };

int main()


mystruct x, y;

x.a = y.b = 10; // svar1: 10 10

x.a = y.b = 20; // svar2: 20 20

y = x; // assign structures

return 0; }

References to Structures

A function can have a reference to a structure as a parameter or as a

return type.

struct mystruct { int a; int b; };

mystruct &f(mystruct &var)


var.a = var.a * var.a;

var.b = var.b / var.b;

return var;


void main()


mystruct x, y;

x.a = 10; x.b = 20;

y = f(x); }

Any structures that have different type names are considered

different by the compiler, even if the structure definitions look the


struct stypeA {

int a, b;


struct stypeB {

int a, b;


stypeA x;

stypeB y;

y = x; // Error: type mismatch

Pointers to Structures and the Arrow Operator

Structure pointers are declared as any other pointer variable, namely

by putting an * in front of a structure´s variable name:

struct int_vector { int x, y, z; };

int_vector *int_vector_pointer;

To find the address of a structure variable, the & operator has to be

placed before the structure variable´s name:

struct bal{

float balance;

char name[80];

} balance_record;

bal *rec; // a structure pointer to type bal

rec = &balance_record;

Accessing the Members of a Structure by Pointers

The members of a structure can be accessed through a pointer to the structure.

However, one cannot use the dot operator! Instead, the arrow operator ( -> ) has to be used. For example:




Structure pointers are especially important as function parameters1. Pointers enable the passing of large structures as function arguments in an efficient and fast way.

More Complex Structures

Arrays Within Structures

A structure member that is an array is treated like any other data type.

struct stype {

int numbers[10][10]; // 10 x 10 array of ints

float b;

} var;

To reference integer 3,7 in numbers of var of structure stype, one would write:


Note that the array name is indexed, not the structure name.

Structures Within Structures

A nested structure occurs when a structure is a member of a


In the following example the structure addr is nested inside emp:

struct addr {

char name[40];

char street[40];

char city[40];

char zip[7];


struct emp {

addr address;

float wage;

} worker; = "T2N3F4";

Recursive Structures

A structure may also contain a pointer to a structure as a member. The structure pointer can even point to the same structure type, which results in a recursive structure definition.

struct mystruct {

int a;

char str[80];

mystruct *sptr; // pointer to mystruct object


Recursive structures are particularly useful for implementing linked lists for sorting and searching problems (see later for details), where data structures like the following are used:

struct int_list_entry {

int value;

int_list_entry *next_list_element;



In C++, a union is a memory location that is shared by two or more different variables. The union definition is similar to that of a structure, as the following example shows:

union utype {

short int i;

char ch;

} uvar;

This data type utype can hold either a short integer or a single character. In uvar, both the short integer i and the character ch share the same memory location. The compiler automatically allocates enough memory to hold the largest variable type in the union.


C++ allows to define a list of named integer constants. Such a list is called an enumeration, which has the general format: 

enum enum_type_name { enumeration_list } variable_list;

The enumeration list represents the values a variable of the enumeration type can have. The key point about an enumeration is that each of the symbols stands for an integer value: The value of the first enumeration symbol is 0, the value of the second symbol is 1, etc. Hence, enumeration symbols can be used in any integer expression.

New Names for Data Types
C++ allows you to define a new name for an existing data type. typedef type name;
Here type is any valid data type, and name is the new name for this type. This allows to use descriptive names for standard C++ data types or rename user-defined data types. 
typedef float balance;
balance over_due = 123.56;
typedef apple pear;
Here balance and pear are just new names for the data types float and apple, respectively.