2.7.6.Detailed Syllabus (i) An Overview of the Database Management System What is database? Why database? Database system, database management system (DBMS), advantages of DBMS. 

(ii) An Architecture of the Database system Three levels of architecture, Logical View, Physical View, Conceptual View, Logical data independence, Physical Data Independence 

(iii) Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Introduction, RDBMS terminology, relational model, base tables, keys, primary key, foreign key, constraints, Codd Rules 

(iv) Database Design Normalization, Normal forms-1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF 4NF and 5NF, E-R Diagram. Mapping ER-diagram to database tables. 

(v) Maria DB Introduction to Maria DB, Data Types, SQL Commands, Create, insert, update, delete, drop, alter, SQL functions (String functions, date functions), indexing, key, primary key, foreign key

(vi) Manipulating Data with Maria DB SQL Statements, Select, like clause, group by, order by, joins-left join, natural join, right join, union. Correlated and nested queries. Backup and restore commands.

 (vii) NoSQL Database Technology Introduction to NoSQL Databases, Difference between relational and NoSQL databases. NoSQL features, types, advantages, Architecture of MongoDB, Documents, Collections, Dynamic Schemas, Mongo Shell, Mongo Server and Client, Data Types, Embedded Documents, Creating Configuration file for Mongo, JSON File format for storing documents, Inserting and Saving Documents, Batch Insert, Insert Validation, Removing Documents, Updating Documents, Document Replacement, Using Modifiers, Updating Multiple Documents, Returning Updated Documents, Introduction to Indexing, Introduction to Compound Indexes, Using Compound Indexes, Indexing Objects and Arrays, Aggregation Framework, Pipeline Operations- $match, $project, $group, $unwind, $sort, $limit, $skip, Using Pipelines, MongoDB and MapReduce, Aggregation Commands, Introduction to Replication, configuring a Replica Set, Member Configuration Options 

(viii) Selecting the Right Database Selection of right databases, RDBMS or NoSQL, selection of database based on performance, data size, type of data, frequency of accessing data, business needs, type of application. 

2.7.7.Reference Books/Study Material 1. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silberschatz and S. Sudharshan, “Database System Concepts”, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011. 2. C.J.Date, A.Kannan and S. Swamynathan,”An Introduction to Database Systems”, Pearson Education 3. Emilien Kenler and Federico Razzoli, “MariaDB Essentials”, Packt Publishing, 2015 4. Kristina Chodorow, “MongoDB: The Definitive Guide”, 2nd Edition, O’REILLY 5. Saeed K. Rahimi and Frank S. Haug, “Distributed Database Management SystemsA Practical Approach”, WILEY Publication 6. R. Elmasri, S.B. Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education/Addison Wesley. 7. Alex Giamas, “Mastering MongoDB”, Packt Publisher. 

Reference site for SQL: https://www.w3resource.com/sql/tutorials.php
Reference site for DBMS concepts: https://www.javatpoint.com/what-is-database


Topics done in DBMS class till today:

 (i) An Overview of the Database Management System, What is database? Why database? Database system, database management system (DBMS), advantages of DBMS, ACID properties
(ii) An Architecture of the Database system: Three levels of architecture, Logical View, Physical View, Conceptual View,
(iii) Relational Database Management System (RDBMS): Introduction, RDBMS terminology, relational model, base tables, keys, primary key, foreign key, alternate key, super key, candidate key, composite key
(iv)Introduction to Maria DB, Data Types, SQL Commands, Create, insert
(v)Select, like clause, order by
You may refer https://www.javatpoint.com/ for revision.




Create Emplyee Table (Emp_id, Emp_name, Emp_Salary,Emp_DateofBirth)
Insert 10 records
Various select queries using like %, and .or


DBMS Language: DCL, DML, DDL and TCL : https://www.javatpoint.com/dbms-language
ER-Model: https://www.javatpoint.com/dbms-er-model-concept
Relationships: one to one, one to many, many to many


Assignment 01

1.    Create database dia6668
2.     Create following tables: salesman, orders
Salesman Table:
salesman_id |    name    |   city   | commission
5001 | James Hoog | New York |       0.15       
5002 | Nail Knite | Paris    |       0.13       
5005 | Pit Alex   | London   |       0.11       
5006 | Mc Lyon    | Paris    |       0.14       
5007 | Paul Adam  | Rome     |       0.13       
5003 | Lauson Hen | San Jose |       0.12 

Orders Table:

ord_no      purch_amt   ord_date    customer_id  salesman_id
----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
70001       150.5       2012-10-05  3005         5002
70009       270.65      2012-09-10  3001         5005
70002       65.26       2012-10-05  3002         5001
70004       110.5       2012-08-17  3009         5003
70007       948.5       2012-09-10  3005         5002
70005       2400.6      2012-07-27  3007         5001
70008       5760        2012-09-10  3002         5001